DRACO is Power! No Loss Stake-to-earn DRACO Staking Program

DRACO, with its primary intrinsic value in the exchangeability with Darksteel, will evolve through the adaptation of DSP(DRACO Staking Program). Stake your DRACO for a chance to win XDRACO items. DSP is a No Loss staking program refunding 100% of your staked DRACO if you are not selected as the winner. If you want to learn how to convert your DRACO into GCash click this one.

Stake Earlier. Stake More.
DSP (DRACO Staking Program) utilizes a unique fair-time staking algorithm that formulates time-based compounding and the number of staked DRACO to incentivise participants in ‘Staking Earlier and Staking More’.

Disclaimer :
The information provided above through Exhibit A is a simplified representation of DSP(Draco Staking Program) and its initiatives. Content of the example is without guarantee and details may change upon DSP launch. We disclaim any liability in connection with the use of this information outside of general program guidance.
No Loss Game
There are no losers in DSP. The winner in each staking pool will be able to claim the XDRACO item for the total number of staked DRACO, and the rest of the participants will receive 100% of their staked DRACO back in their Wemix wallet.
Source: XDRACO